No Single-Use-Plastic at Liger

Exploration is a seven weeks project that created by Liger. Our teacher have divided the students in to team and put them in different exploration. I am in “ Say No To Plastic “ exploration. In this exploration we are trying to stop the Single-Use-Plastic. The Single-Use-Plastic is the plastic that people use only one time and throw away such as Styrofoam, Plastic Bags, Straws, Coffee Stirrers, Plastic Cups, Plastic Spoon/Fork, Water Bottle and Food Packaging. We been research about the Con and Pros about the Single-Use-Plastic. The problem of using Plastic are it take long time to degrade, Toxic chemical is in plastic, can lead to cancer, birth defect and more, it spoils our groundwater, effect to our environment like air pollution, threaten marine life like they mistake for the food or give it to their baby and poison our food chain. Some of you might not get what poison our food chain is, so let me give an example of Poison Our Food Chain.Because of the animals eating the plastic they are going to die. For example the fish has been eaten a piece of plastic. One or two day later they are die or people fish them. In the restaurant or at home people will cook fish and also because of the plastic have chemical so it will spread to every system inside the fish body and when people eat the fish they will get sick. The advantages of using plastic are it’s cheap and it’s very easy to carry around, it’s lighter than the paper bag, it’s waterproof than the paper bag and it’s stronger. The disadvantages of using plastic are it’s dangerous to wildlife and marine life, it’s pollute the environment and it’s take longer to degrade. In first week we did some research about plastic. Second week we trying to find the some staff to replace plastic. Third week we start to discuss with our team what we have learn so far in two weeks. Fourth week we get some item for replace the plastic. Fifth week we start to giving out the items that we have find to replace plastic to our school. Sixth week we start to collect the data and survey the people that use our new items. In last weeks, which is week seven we prepare for our exploration. Right now we have banned some plastic straws in our school. Our big goal is to stop having plastic straws, styrofoam, plastic bag and plastic cups coming in to our school. We have metal straws instead of plastic straws, Styrofoam that made from corn starch or lunch box instead of styrofoam made from plastic, folding bag instead of plastic bag and use the reusable cup instead of plastic cups. This is some quotes from our students and our staff in our school. There will be some khmer quotes.

Stop using plastics for our environment – Dyna C

A minute to use, nooses for centuries – Chhay

Use plastic destroy the world – Leza

It is not too late to stop using plastic – Kimhor

It really really hard to stop, but it easy to use – Linda

Clean environment make me feel really fresh – T. Sokha

You are the alternative source to eliminate plastics Wathna

The most friendly weapon for the Earth is Plastic Socheata

 Once you stop using plastic, forever you stop using plastic Kakrona

Plastic is so friendly to us, but not friendly to our environment Huykea    

If we still use plastic, in the future, all humans will be made from Plastic Rayuth 

Some people just only think what easy for them, but they don’t even think about the environment and other Dalen  

Plastic can easily kill people but people can’t easily eliminate Plastic Pisal  

Plastic is the hidden weapon that not only kills the user but everyone on this planet Rachana 

Use plastic or don’t use plastic is depend on you. You have the right to choose it, to control it Vutha 

អារម្មណ៍ល្អនៅពេលដែលឃើញបរិស្ថានស្អាត- លោកគ្រូ សុខា

វាពិបាកក្នុងការបញ្ចប់ តែវាស្រួលក្នុងការប្រើប្រាស់ – លីនដា


We buying the doughnuts at the store and we request the vendor to put our doughnuts in paper box instead of plastic bag
We went to Aeon Mall first to buy the folding bags for our students to use instead of plastic bag